Tagged: social media consultant

Social media measurement – think carrots

carrot(Note 19/10/09 – this post is getting a lot of hits at the moment, but I don’t know why.  Its not generating any comments and its ceratainly not my best post – visitors please feel to leave a calling card in the comments and let me know why you are here).

This post is a follow-on to my previous post about stones and erosion.  It is more practical, fortunately you might say, but still relies on analogy, if not stories.  I like analogy.

So here is the analogy.  We know that a diet high in fruit and vegetables is healthy.  We now why it is healthy and we know roughly how much consumption of fruit and veg = healthy (five portions per day).  However – you cannot take a single carrot and measure how much it adds to our healthiness.  Consumption of one carrot cannot be correlated to an additional x milliseconds of life for example and any attempts to do so would be a classic example of misuse of statistical evidence.  Likewise, we know that physical fitness correlates to health but we can’t measure the impact of one session at the gym. Continue reading

Gutenberg and the social media revolution: an investigation of the world where it costs nothing to distribute information

Here is the full text of an article I wrote for the Capco Journal of Financial Transformation.  Unfortunately the original is no longer available online – only as published by myself here on this blog.  If you like this article you may want to take a look at what I have written here, which in the most part are pieces which expand on some of the themes outlined in the article below.


This article exposes the impact of a fundamental shift in the way information moves within our society which is generating creeping obsolescence for the business models of organisations involved in the institutionalised provision or mediation of information, be they newspapers or banks, as well as creating a new information space which is currently called social media. Continue reading