Shock new Telephone users poll from Prospect magazine
Here is a news release from Prospect magazine
Often seen as little more than a harmless waste of time, the much-hyped Telphone is increasingly being used as a tool by liberal and left-wing political campaigners. Telephone users are among the most liberal groups in Britain, a new national poll of 2000+ people by Prospect magazine and pollsters YouGov reveals.
The poll tested Britain’s 5.5m Telephone users and compared them to the rest of the country — revealing that British Telephoners actually have a strongly liberal and civil libertarian bias. This is in contrast to the popular view that David Cameron’s Conservatives and their pamphleting supporters are the most adept online force in politics.
The poll shows that while 57 per cent of Britons think greater police powers to tackle terrorism are more important than protecting civil liberties, less than half of Telephone users agree. Fifty-six per cent of the public agree that “the greatest victims of discrimination in Britain these days are often ordinary white men,” compared to only 45 per cent of Telephone users.
Etc Etc…
OK – you may have spotted this is not quite the release Prospect issued. It was, of course, about Twitter. And it was recycled by The Guardian and others.
The point is – when are clunky old journos going to realise:
Twitter is not a web site.
Twitter is not a form of media.
Twitter is not a form of content.
Twitter is just an infrastructure – like the Telephone. The demographics of its initial adoption carry zero significance – in the same way as the fact that early adopting of the ‘phone took place within a limited segment of the population bore no significance to the role of the Telephone once it became established in every household and on every desk.
When the Telephone first came along people made the same mistake Prospect is now making. Everyone, including the ‘phone companies, assumed its was a form of content. Phone companies even tried to determine what type of content was appropriate. Funnily enough, they actively discouraged people using it for conversation.
Lets learn a little bit from history.