Nice to be part of a Social@Scale ‘dream team’
Chris Brogan, Jason Falls, Joseph Jaffe, David Meerman Scott, David Armano, Rohit Bhargava, Mitch Joel, Peter Shankman, Mack Collier, Michael Brito, Jay Baer, Edward Boches, Ann Handley, Nilofer Merchant, Ted Coine, David Weinberger, Shelly Palmer, Mark Earls, Renee Blodget, Augie Ray, Brett Petersel, Ted Rubin, Sarah Evans, Jeff Bullas, Jay Baer, Amy Vernon, Matt Dickman, Thomas Baekdal, Venkatesh Rao, Richard Stacy, Hugh MacLeod and Doc Searls.
The above represents a list of those who have contributed to Sprinklr’s Social@Scale ebook – launched today. It also represents a pretty good list of the great and the good of social media experts (including two out of the four authors of the seminal Cluetrain Manifesto). So take a look at who sneaks in there three from the end, just in front of Hugh Macleod and Doc Searls. I think this is only time I am likely to sneak in ahead of Hugh Macleod and Doc Searls.
So thanks to Jeremy Epstein, of Sprinklr, for including me in such exalted company.
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