Astonishingly important article by Evgeny Morozov

FireShot Screen Capture #164 - 'Why the internet of things could destroy the welfare state I Technology I The Observer' - www_theguardian_com_technology_2014_jul_20_rise-of-data-death-of-politics-evgeny-morozov-algorThis is an astonishingly important article, by Evgeny Morozov, published yesterday in The Observer.  It starts to paint the picture of the world of the algorithm, drawing together the important themes that define what it is we need to be thinking and talking about so that we don’t sleep-walk into this new world – the paradoxical world where an individual’s connectedness (to other indivduals and to things) is used as a mechnism of isolation and control.

As I have said previously, the algorithm is the most powerful instrument of social control invented since the sword (and current systems of regulation are powerless against it).




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